Sunday 10th June is the Wargrave Charity 10k. Every year 1st Wargrave Cubs and Scouts help the Wargrave Runners by manning the water stations. We would be very grateful for the support of as many Cubs and Scouts in manning…
Wargrave 10K – Call for Cub & Scout Help for Water Stations, Sunday 11th June
This Sunday 11th June is the Wargrave Charity 10k, which is part of the 2017 Wargrave Festival. Every year 1st Wargrave Cubs and Scouts help the Wargrave Runners by manning the water stations. We would be very grateful for the support…

Wargrave 10k – Sunday 8th June – Call for Help
Dear Parents Every year the 1st Wargrave Scout Group help in out the Wargrave Runners hosting of the Wargrave 10k by manning the water stations. This year the race is being held on Sunday 8th June and we would be…

Wargrave Fun-run Waterpoint
Well done to Wargrave cubs for providing the first (and on the return leg, last) water point.