Dear Parents,
Group Family Day & BBQ, Saturday 17th October 2015
After the success of our previous Family Camps we have decided to offer another Group wide Activity Day, to which all beavers, cubs, scouts, parents and siblings are invited.
Date: Saturday 17th October 2015 starting at 11:30am until 7:30pm latest.
Location: Milestone Wood Activity Centre, Emmer Green, Reading.
Family Day Leader: Nige Board
The Leaders are busy organising activities based around traditional Scouting pursuits suitable for all which are likely to include: a short hike (suitable for all, including those being pushed in strollers), water rockets, and some craft activities. We may also be able to offer crate stacking and a small climbing wall too. We are working on those arrangements now. We also plan to join JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) which takes place every year and involves over 1.1 Million young people worldwide exchanging greetings using shortwave radios.
Please wear suitable outdoor clothes and bring a packed lunch which can be eaten on the hike which will take around 2 hours and will follow a circular route around Caversham, Emmer Green and Sonning Common.
After the hike we will have Afternoon Tea/Coffee/Squash and Cake. If you could bake a cake and bring this along, that would be fantastic! The afternoon will finish with a Camp Fire and BBQ. We will be wrapping up by 7:30pm latest.
Milestone Wood has restricted Parking and there is no onsite parking for parents. Participants will be sent joining instructions closer to the time, which will include details of suitable places to park nearby. Please note that no arrangements have been made for transporting families or individual children to camp. You will need to arrange travel/lift shares between you please.
An optional camp for the scout section is also being offered. Details of this will be sent separately to Troop members.
We need to confirm numbers for all of the arrangements so can you please complete the form that has been emailed to all parents, and return this to Nigel Board, Assistant Group Scout Leader by post or email to arrive not later than ** Friday 2nd October 2015 **. Please do not return this to your cub or beaver leader as we really need to have all responses in the one place!
If you have any questions regarding the day please feel free to contact me.
Yours in Scouting,
Nigel Board, 1st Wargrave Assistant Group Scout Leader