1st Wargrave Scout Group

Scouts – Autumn Term Programme


Welcome back!  Scouts restarted on Monday 12th September with a Finland Exhibition by the Scouts of all their badges, souvenirs, memories and stories.


Thank you to all the Parents and Siblings (including Cubs and Beavers)and also the Executive Committee that attended to show their support.  A big thank you to all of the Scouts that displayed the badges they swapped, and the keepsakes they made, carved or purchased from our Summer Camp. It was great to see the Scouts talking so passionately about the trip and talking proudly of their achievements.  They all had such an amazing time, see the Finland Leaders Report for a write-up of the trip.


We have an exciting Autumn term Programme planned with plenty of opportunities to spend the night outdoors at our Hammock & Survival Camp or on the Great Breakfast Chase evening Incident Hike. The scouts will also be kept busy on Mondays with One Pot cooking, Hiking, a NERF Gun Challenge, Wide Games in Bowesy Woods, plus the return of favourites such as a our Halloween Frite Nite, and the Great Wargrave Xmas Bake Off.  We will also be doing a good amount of badge work as we complete our transition from the old to the new Challenge Badges.  This term we will make a start on the Personal Challenge and Skills Challenge.

jota-joti-2016On Sunday 16th October between 10 am and 3pm at the Hut, 1st Wargrave will be taking part in JOTA (Jamboree On The Air).  JOTA is the largest Scouting event in the world and brings together over 1 million Scouts participating across 150+ countries.  The purpose of JOTA is to enable and encourage Scouts around the world to communicate with one another by means of amateur radio, providing a fun and educational Scouting experience and promoting their sense of belonging to a worldwide Scout Movement.  We first took part in JOTA in 2014 at our Dorneywood Survival Camp, and the Scouts had a lot of fun with it. Please come and support this event, which is open to Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

It’s also a busy term for giving back to our village community, 1st Wargrave Scouts will run the Village fireworks on Saturday 5th November. We will join in the Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday 13th November and we deliver the Christmas Village Posit (some 1,500 cards to 400+ homes) in early December. Our Almost Christmas Show will be held in the Woodclyffe Hall on Friday 9th December.

For our “Night Out” we will visit Wokingham Superbowl for a Bowling evening.  Our 13-week Scouting term ends on Monday 12th December with a Christmas Party at the hut.

We have started planning 2017, and the popular  “Winter Camp @The Hut” will take place on Saturday 25th February, and our Summer Camp will be held at Walton Firs near Cobham between Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th July.


Activities planned include a Hike to the Brooklands Motorsport & Aviation Museum which will include a chance to experience Concorde!  The Summer Camp will also include other fun activities such as Caving, Pioneering and Rifle Shooting. More details will be released later in the term.  Please put these 2017 dates in your diaries and family calendars.

Please download our Autumn Term Programme v1 (PDF file)