
Whether you want to work with young people directly or help out behind the scenes, there's something for everyone at 1st Wargrave Scouts

Who Does What

Our Team Leaders and Members are responsible for running the Sections – Scouts, Cubs and Beavers. They run the weekly meetings and directly supervise the children.

There are also Admin volunteers who help with things like managing the waiting lists and communications to parents.

All of our Teams work together in groups – it helps lighten everyone’s load.

The Leadership Group is supported by the Group Scout Leader. The GSL helps with programme planning, coordinates recruitment, and will even turn up to a meeting or two.

Our Ops Group deals with everything needed to keep the Scout Group running, outside of the Section meetings. This includes things like:

  • Organising our regular events like Fireworks Night, Remembrance Day Parade, and Easter Egg Hunt
  • Maintaining the Scout Hut
  • Organising and Running Cub Camp
  • Approving Operational Spending
  • Collecting Subs

The Ops Group meets 5 or 6 times a year in-person – although not everyone needs to turn up to every meeting.

We are always looking for new members for the Ops Group – particularly parents of our younger members

The Trustee Board is responsible for the Governance of 1st Wargrave Scout Group as a Charity.

Trustees are not involved in the day-to-day management of the Scout Group, and there is no requirement to have a direct connection to Wargrave Scouts.

Trustees are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Myth Busting

Scouts is modernising its expectations of Leaders. We work together in teams, so no individual bears the sole responsibility for ‘leading’.

That’s okay. Any commitment at all – be it every week or once a month, could mean a valuable contribution to a Section.

If you can’t or don’t want to attend meetings, there’s still a way you could help – by supporting one of our Teams at other times during the week, by joining our Ops Group and taking a more ‘ad hoc’ role, or by becoming a Trustee.

Nor had most of us! We were just where you are now, thinking we’d like to get involved but not really sure how.

The Scouts Association provides lots of training opportunities and there is a huge host of resources available online. You’ll also be surrounded and supported by the rest of the 1st Wargrave team – the answer to any question you have is probably only a message away.

Don’t worry – we’ve got this. Our Leaders tend to meet up before each term to plan the 15 or so meetings for that term. We collaborate – sharing ideas, themes and games.

There are thousands of activity plans available online, from the Scout Association or other Scout groups. whatever the theme of your meeting, someone will have done it before and written a very helpful guide!

Every child’s journey through Scouts involves earning badges. And for every badge, there’s an explanation of how to earn them, and ideas for activities you can run to support this.

Get In Touch

If you’re interested and want to find out more please get in touch below – we would love to hear from you.