Dear Parents,
You are all invited to join the Executive Committee and Leaders at the 1st Wargrave Scout Group 2019 AGM. It takes place on Wednesday 22nd May @8pm at the Scout Hut.
We are also looking for people to help us on the Exec Committee. There are two specific roles that need filling.
The first role is for a parent to be Scout Hut Booking Administrator. Sarah has done this role for many years and is looking to step down at the end of the year. The role involves replying to enquires about booking the hut and sorting out key pick up. Sarah is very happy to show the person the ropes.
The second role is Group Subscriptions Officer. This is the person who sends out the email re: taking sub payments. Helen Vonka has done this role since stepping down as Chairman of the group. She has asked to step down due to family reasons. She is very happy to show the person the ropes and willing to talk to anyone who wants to know more information.
We are also looking for General Members for the Exec Committee.
Please let myself know or our Group Scout Leader Pete Fry if you are interested in either of the roles or joining us on the Exec Committee.
Annual Reports from the Beaver section, Puma Cubs, Wildcat Cubs and Scouts will be posted on the website after the AGM.
Lesley Hucker, Chairman