Earlier in the year, 1st Wargrave scouts enjoyed a fantastic 2-night weekend camp over the First May Bank Holiday (2nd to 4th May). Over 70 scouts and 20 leaders (including 14 scouts and 4 leaders from Wargrave) attended the Loddon District…
FINLAND 2016 Deposit Letter
5th June 2015 Dear Parents, Finland Camp 2016As you are aware we have been looking at the possibility of a camp in Finland next year. We emailed all the then current Scouts in January and had a reasonable level…
Scouts Summer Term Programme Issued
We had a busy and exciting Spring Term which culminated in 1st Wargrave Scouts jointly winning the Loddon District Big Camp Challenge at Dorneywood, congratulations!! This means we are currently in joint first place in the hotly contested 2015/16 “Murray…
Call for Cub & Scout Help at Water Stations for Wargrave 10k, Sunday 14th June
Wargrave Cubs and Scouts will again be staffing the two water stations for this years Wargrave 10k road race which takes place on Sunday 14th June 2015, organised by Wargrave Runners. We ask that parents please talk to their son…
Minutes and Report of the 2015 AGM
2014 GROUP SCOUT LEADERS REPORT Pete Fry, 1st Wargrave Group Scout Leader, summarised his GSL report; the full reports from all the sections being available on this website. Pete stated that “…We have seen a number of changes in the…
Announcement of AGM on 13th May and Section Reports
All Parents of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and Leaders are invited to our Annual General Meeting or AGM, which will be held at 8pm on Wednesday 13 May, at the Scout Hut. Please come along to hear about what we…
Scouts – Spring Term Programme Updated to include “Big Camp” at Dorneywood
Our Spring Term programme has been busy with Japan-In-A-Box, Burns Supper, Hobbies and Interests, Laser Quest and Chinese New Year evenings, and we also “Camped at The Hut” at the end of February. Unfortunately we didn’t get anywhere near the…

Scout Camps – UK 2015, …Finland 2016?
For 2015 we already have two camps in the programme; in February we “Camp in The Hut” and in May we will join the Loddon District “Big Camp” at Dorneywood. Our summer camp will likely be a 4-5 day trip…
HNY! – Scouts Winter Term Programme Announced
Happy New Year! After last term’s busy and fun programme, we have an action packed 12 weeks planned ahead of us to enjoy. Highlights include Paper Making from Pulp, Japan-In-A-box, Burns Night Celebration, Laser Quest Patrol Challenge, Chinese New Year…
Table-Top Pioneering, One-Pot Cooking, Fright Nite! Hobbies, Night Hike, Bake-Off & Xmas Party
We have had a mega busy Autumn Term at Scouts. Following our September start with ‘Pancakes, Geocaching & Navigation‘, we held a traditional ‘Scavenger Hunt‘ on the village green which involved finding and collecting unusual objects – including several creepy crawlies…