Back in June we had a fantastic Wargrave Village Festival, staffing the 10K water stations, and supporting the Parade and the Fete. The Parade was particularly noisy and colourful this year and was very well attended by Beavers, cubs and…
FINLAND 2016 Deposit Letter
5th June 2015 Dear Parents, Finland Camp 2016As you are aware we have been looking at the possibility of a camp in Finland next year. We emailed all the then current Scouts in January and had a reasonable level…
Cub Camp 2015 at Milestone Wood, Emmer Green, 15th-17th May
Thirty cubs from the two Wargrave packs gathered at Milestone Wood, the scout centre and campsite for the 89th Reading group on a beautiful warm evening. The plan was to play lots of energetic games on the recreation ground next…
Call for Cub & Scout Help at Water Stations for Wargrave 10k, Sunday 14th June
Wargrave Cubs and Scouts will again be staffing the two water stations for this years Wargrave 10k road race which takes place on Sunday 14th June 2015, organised by Wargrave Runners. We ask that parents please talk to their son…
Minutes and Report of the 2015 AGM
2014 GROUP SCOUT LEADERS REPORT Pete Fry, 1st Wargrave Group Scout Leader, summarised his GSL report; the full reports from all the sections being available on this website. Pete stated that “…We have seen a number of changes in the…
Announcement of AGM on 13th May and Section Reports
All Parents of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and Leaders are invited to our Annual General Meeting or AGM, which will be held at 8pm on Wednesday 13 May, at the Scout Hut. Please come along to hear about what we…
Cub Camp – 15th – 17th May 2015 – Joining Instructions
Dear Parents Cub Camp 15th to 17th May 2015 We have over 30 camping on the weekend so it is set to be a great weekend. Here are answers to hopefully all of your questions. Camp Location. The camp address…

Cub Camp 2015
This year cub camp will take place between the 15th and 17th May. It will be held at the same location as last year, Milestone Wood Campsite near Reading This is a small campsite on the outskirts of Reading…
Troop ‘Almost Christmas Show’ Raises £348 For Charity
At the start of December over 50 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts representing all of our sections came together to perform in front of a packed crowd of 100+ parents, friends and invited village residents in The Woodclyffe Hall. We…
The ‘Almost’ Christmas Show on 5th December
After the success and fun of last years inaugural event, we are holding The ‘Almost’ Christmas Show again on Friday 5th December 7pm at the Woodlcyffe Hall on Wargrave High Street. An evening of entertainment and a celebration of Christmas…