At the start of December over 50 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts representing all of our sections came together to perform in front of a packed crowd of 100+ parents, friends and invited village residents in The Woodclyffe Hall. We…
The ‘Almost’ Christmas Show on 5th December
After the success and fun of last years inaugural event, we are holding The ‘Almost’ Christmas Show again on Friday 5th December 7pm at the Woodlcyffe Hall on Wargrave High Street. An evening of entertainment and a celebration of Christmas…
Call for Chocolate or Sweet donations for the Xmas Show Tombola

Cub / Beavers Camp – Photos
Richard Best has very kindly shared his photos from the Cub/Beavers Camp – the album can be found on Picasa here.

Lumberjack Beavers 25th Birthday Party
We’re Having a Birthday Party It is unbelievable but the Lumberjacks Beaver Scout Colony will celebrate its 25th birthday on Wednesday 30th April. This will also be a milestone for the three leaders who amongst them have given 75 years…