1st Wargrave Scout Group

Announcement of AGM on 13th May and Section Reports

Annual General Meeting

All Parents of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and Leaders are invited to our Annual General Meeting or AGM, which will be held at 8pm on Wednesday 13 May, at the Scout Hut.

Please come along to hear about what we have been doing over the past year and our plans for future events and the upcoming year over a glass of wine and nibbles!

1st Wargrave Scouts
Executive Committee


The 2014-15 Annual Reports (in PDF Format) for each section can be downloaded from the links below:

AGM 2015 Beavers Lumberjacks (Wednesdays) Report

AGM 2015 Beavers Woodchucks (Thursdays) Report

AGM 2015 Cubs Wildcats (Thursdays) Report

AGM 2015 Cubs Pumas (Tuesdays) Report

AGM 2015 Scouts (Mondays) Report